Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Divorce and My 2011

So a good friend told me I should blog about my divorce and this crazy year of my life post divorce while we were on an airplane back from Washington D.C. going through the SkyMall catalogue deciding all the things I could now afford by getting rid of my husband, so here goes. I've already made public that I filed for divorce on January 24, 2011 and my divorce was final on April 25, 2011. The best part of that for those who don't follow the Royals or dates, this was the week of the Royal wedding. Every fricking news cast that week was on weddings which was AWESOME the week you get divorced.

A couple of words on that, when you file you really find out who your friends are. Some people are supportive, some suck and others just disappear. Some of your married friends seem to think it's contagious so they bolt altogether. You also have random people enter your life. But what no one tells you is the day the papers are final, no one's there. It's not like a wedding where you build up to this awesome party, it's the most anti-climatic thing that has ever happened in my life and considering what a big deal it was it was weird.

And for those of you who haven't been through a divorce there is more paperwork then filing taxes with a husband who has a 1099 job. So while you'd like to kill the other person you actually have to talk to them more then you have probably done in years, which was my case. We were married for almost 9 years and together for almost 11 years and really stopped speaking or doing anything together for at least the last 4 years of our marriage. The other down fall was I wanted kids and he didn't. I thought at 22 I could change his mind, yeah that doesn't really work.

So I'm going to start posting my 2011 adventures. It's been one of the weirdest years of my life and although I feel a little vulnerable doing this on the web I know if any of you asked me individually I'd tell you the whole story so fuck it here goes!! Happy 2011!!