Friday, August 29, 2008

Lase Weekend

I took a long break and I wish I could tell you all everything that has been going on but it is tres personal. I hope you understand. Not only have I had a long year but this last month has been one of the most trying months of my life. I've survived but just barely. All of your friendships are so valuable to me you will never understand.

Last weekend I was in Keystone with Kara. It was a much needed vacation and I appreciate it so much. On Saturday night we went out to walk her dog to dinner and hit a huge thunderstorm. We went back to the condo and waited out the storm. The result is in the picture above. I so needed a weekend in the mountains!


Michelle said...

Im sorry you've been having a rough go, and then you actually saw someone get shot?? I wish I could say something to make things better, that rainbow is a good symbol though...I think :)

sara v. said...

Sonja my love...hang in there. I love you.

Mama LC said...

oh no, lady. that sounds absolutely awful. we'll talk soon. hang in there.